About Me


Welcome! Mila is a passionate advocate for environmental sustainability, natural living, and personal health. With a background in environmental science, she has always been captivated by the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

In 2021, she embarked on a creative journey to craft natural body butter as a way to blend her love for nature with her commitment to sustainable living. Through experimentation and dedication, she perfected a formula that's not only luxurious but also eco-friendly, using carefully selected ingredients and minimal packaging to minimize environmental impact.

Her mission is simple: to empower others to embrace their natural beauty while making conscious choices for the planet. Mila firmly believes that every person should be ultra-conscious about the things they put into their bodies, on their bodies, and the environment they surround themselves with. Each jar of body butter represents a commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and the beauty of nature. Join her in this journey to make a positive impact on our world, one jar at a time.

Warm regards, 
